“Professional Golf Lessons for golfers of all skills levels, from beginners to highly skilled professionals.”VentreProfessionalGolfInstructionwithTrackman4PerformanceStudioinMiddleton, MA.LessonsaretaughtbyStephenVentre,NorthShorePGAGolfProfessional-27yearsofteachingqual-ity golf instruction using the most effective technology in the golf industry.oProviding Golf lessonsfor all skill levelsoPrivate Lesson Environment - 100% attention with no distractionoUnique programs that fit both you and your body, physically and mentallyoUsing Trackman 4 Performance Studiovideo analysisoIndoor/Outdoor Heated Hitting BayoTrackman4 Simulation on 200 different Golf Course, including Indoor Putting o(4 Indoor/Outdoor) Trackman 4 Systems Simulator for Rent, Call Golf Shop at 978-750-4653 for more detailsoNew in 2021- 2000 sq ft State of artificial synthetic putting green with 8 holesoVariety of Training Aids readily available for drills and swing improvements
Trackman 4 Performance Studio
Introduction to Trackman 4TRACKMAN4Technologymeetsapassionforgolf.Theindustry-leadingTrackMan4withOptically EnhancedRadarTracking(patentedcamera/radarhybridtracking)equippedwithTrackMan’suniqueneu-ralnetworktracking,allowstrackingofalltypesofshotsandputts,withunrivaledaccuracy.TrackMan4 and it’s apps is the “go-to” choice for the best players and coaches, all over the worldTheTrackMan4PerformanceStudioprovidesyouwith3Dimagingoftheballflight,clubpath,faceangle, andmore,calibratedintothevideo.Watchtheintroductionvideotogetmerefamiliarwiththegreatben-efits offered by TrackMan Performance Studio (TPS)
“Professional Golf Lessons for golfers of all skills levels, from beginners to highly skilled professionals.”VentreProfessionalGolfInstructionwithTrack-man4PerformanceStudioinMiddleton,MA. LessonsaretaughtbyStephenVentre,NorthShorePGAGolf Professional-27yearsofteachingqualitygolfinstruction using the most effective technology in the golf industry.oProviding Golf lessonsfor all skill levelsoPrivate Lesson Environment - 100% attention with no distractionoUnique programs that fit both you and your body, physically and mentallyoUsing Trackman 4 Performance Studiovideo analysisoIndoor/Outdoor Heated Hitting BayoTrackman4 Simulation on 200 different Golf Course, including Indoor Putting o(4 Indoor/Outdoor) Trackman 4 Systems Simula-tor for Rent, Call Golf Shop at 978-750-4653 for more detailsoNew in 2021- 2000 sq ft State of artificial syn-thetic putting green with 8 holesoVariety of Training Aids readily available for drills and swing improvements
Introduction to Trackman 4 StudioThe TrackMan Performance Studio is the world’s first and only golf club and ball data tool with totally integrated video and data. Merging video with TrackMan’s industry-leading swing and shot data, the TrackMan Performance Studio delivers the definitive data and visual report on the golfer.The TrackMan Performance Studio provides you with 3D imaging of the ball flight, club path, face angle, and more, calibrated into the video. Watch the introduction video to get mere familiar with the great benefits offered by TrackMan Performance Studio (TPS)